1. Who is Samantha Harding?
I am a fashion designer turned entrepreneur. I always wanted to be a fashion designer, but to get my brand on the map, I had to become an entrepreneur. I was born and raised in the UAE but m to Brazil in my teenage years. That's where I started Sahar.
2. How do you define fashion and or style?
I would say I'm the classic "dress the way you feel" kind of person. I can be very casual one day and very show-stopping the other, but always with my style edited to fit my personality. I'd say my main style would be casual, but I always have something gold on me. I guess it's the Dubai-born attribute.
3. What influences your style? ie travel, work, movies, magazines, social media trends, celebrities, color, etc.
The designs come to me out of the blue, but mostly when I'm traveling. I can't seem to stay a long period in one place. Thankfully with Sahar, I'm able to travel a lot and the cultures of the world inspire me big time. I don't really follow tendencies or what celebrities are wearing- Sahar always does its own thing. Brazil's swimwear style from the past also interests me a lot.
4. How has your style evolved?
I used to be way more surfer and skater girl style, but nowadays, I tend to go to a more chic, casual look. I'm regularly in my active line because I like to hit the gym whenever I have time, so I'm ready to go when I get the chance!
5. What does your dream wardrobe consist of?
Bikinis, I have alot of bikinis. I tend to wear a lot of black, but you can see some colours and patterns. I normally wear bikinis to the gym too because, after that session, I always hit the spa and sauna to cool down. Living in London, there are no beaches so I settle for a spa time.
6. If you were to give fashion advice to your younger self what would it be?
The looser the outfit the better. It's more important to be comfortable. The only person you should try to impress is yourself, dress for yourself daily.
7. How important is it to be body positive and to appreciate the skin that you're in?
I think everybody should be body positive and love themselves because you only get one life and you should enjoy it to the maximum. It's also important to have a good diet and look after yourself daily.
8. What do you love about jewelry? What is your absolute favorite, is it earrings, necklaces, etc.
I love rocks, diamonds, and emeralds. Most of the jewelry I wear has rocks on them. I also love small gold hoops. I used to wear massive ones when I was younger, but now I keep them small, occasionally bringing out the big ones.
9. How do you incorporate accessories and jewelry into your daily looks?
They have to harmonize with my outfit, but if I want that bling-bling feeling, I'll pull out the big guns. Normally, from day to day I keep it casual with just the classic gold earrings, ring, and necklace. Of course, there will always be a rock present, whether it be amethyst or a black diamond.
10. What are your non-negotiables... What must you have/wear/do? and what are your, “I’m never ever doing or wearing that”?
Must have - my tracksuit by Sahar. From traveling to just day by day living in London, I have about 3 pairs in black, and they're my main uniform.
11. Tell us why you choose fashion and style. So what we mean by that is, we don’t have to dress up, we don’t have to adorn ourselves with jewels and embellish with accessories, but we do, we choose to... why do you?
I always dress so I can feel good about myself. Whether I am at home or out and about, I'm always wearing clothes that match my mood accordingly, whether I go down the princess or rap style path.
12. What’s your favorite fashion/style quote or mantra?
Dress for yourself.
13. How and where can people connect with you?
On my Instagram - www.instagram.com/samanthaaharding or via my work number which gets forwarded to me, +55 21 986527437. Don't forget to check my brand insta too: www.instagram.com/saharbysamanthaharding
Samantha said it perfectly, "Dress for yourself daily". However you're feeling that day, moment, or evening, dress for yourself! And most importantly, impress yourself first!
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