Laura See

Via: @TheMakersPhotography&Film

1. Who is Laura See? 

I am a newly established shoe designer from North London who left a 14 year career to pursue a shoe design scholarship in Italy. I am fun-loving, energetic, and have a passion for all things shoe, art, music and travel related… 

2. How do you define fashion and or style?

I think anyone can be ‘fashionable’ and wear the latest trends but true style cannot be bought. For me you should wear the clothes and shoes – they shouldn’t wear you. It is about having fun, feeling confident and your best self in what you wear. Don’t be scared to sometimes mix it up and try something new. Feeling comfortable AND confident. 

3. What influences your style? ie travel, work, movies, magazines, social media trends, celebrities, color, etc.

A mix of all the above! Definitely movies if I can relate to a particular character and love their style – Trends for sure but I am not completely led by them – I take inspiration from certain elements, but generally try not to stick to a set style. Colour and my mood – we are all guilty of wearing the same old thing – sometimes I want to push myself to be more daring and mix it up a bit more. That is why I love designing shoes – if the outfits are a bit nonplus – the shoes will always funk it up! And of course it depends on where I am going and how I want to get my personality across.

4. How has your style evolved?

I think I have evolved as a person so I am more confident, more fearless and pretty much do as I please! So therefore when your mindset changes – so does your style. You know what looks good on you, you try new things. I have never stuck to one set style – so if I want to wear jeans and flats one day and the next day a cocktail dress with funky heels – it doesn’t feel out of character, as my style sometimes changes daily! 

Via: @TheMakersPhotography&Film

5. What does your dream wardrobe consist of? 

Carrie Bradshaw’s SATC clothes! Lots and lots of my shoes together with day to night combinations that are effortless, sexy and chic all at once. 

Also more vintage pieces. Classic and elegant that can be brought up to date, like delicate beaded bags paired with leather trousers and killer heels. I love mixing styles in that way. 

6. If you were to give fashion advice to your younger self what would it be?

Experiment more. 

7. How important is it to be body positive and to appreciate the skin that you're in?

So important in order to be comfortable. All body shapes and sizes are beautiful in their own way and having that inner confidence will radiate regardless of what you wear. It is all about attitude and believing in yourself – then you can make even a bargain outfit look amazing! 

8. What do you love about jewelry? What is your absolute favorite is it earrings, necklaces, etc.

I love funky rings. I own a lot from Les Nerides which is a French store in Covent Garden. They are so unique and always draw compliments. I also love a gold hoop earring and pendant necklaces – layering necklaces is fun. Jewelry can transform a look. It can make an outfit more edgy or dressy, even with just one simple piece. 

9. How do you incorporate accessories and jewelry into your daily looks? 

It depends if I am going for a laid back or dressy look as to the jewelry I wear. If I want daytime effortless style, it will be a gold hoop or maybe a chunky necklace. Evening maybe something more shimmery and glam looking – but always with funky rings! Some outfits I throw lots of different jewelry on, but sometimes I will wear a simple pendant. Again – it depends on my mood, if I’m energetic and experimental, I will mix it all together! 

10. What are your non-negotiables...  What must you have / wear / do?  and what are your, “I’m never ever doing or wearing that”?

I must have fab shoes! It is the first thing I notice on people and I think it tells you a lot about them! A night out for me is heels – always! I never want to carry my shoes home. You would never see me in crocs. No thank you! I must have well fitting jeans and dresses that make me feel amazing. 

11. Tell us why you choose fashion and style.  So what we mean by that is, we don’t have to dress up, we don’t have to adorn ourselves with jewels and embellish with accessories, but we do, we choose to… why do you?

Wearing gorgeous shoes, clothes, and accessories makes me feel good. What we wear can change our entire mood and allows us to have fun. I think we should always make an effort with ourselves and be the best version we can be. There is nothing better than walking into a room and thinking, I feel amazing today. 

12. What’s your favorite fashion/style quote or mantra?

Life is too short, buy the shoes. 

13. How and where can people connect with you?

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There really is nothing better than feeling confident in your skin and your clothes, Laura. Thanks for sharing with us; you're crushing it! 


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