Dr. Tracy Thomas is a Wall Street Journal Best Selling Author, an Award-Winning Psychologist, and The World's First Emotional Scientist. She specializes in purpose-driven leaders and teaches them to stop reacting, lead with intention, and live out their most elevated life. Dr. T has trained top executives, celebrities, and entrepreneurs to transform their emotions into millions, to create their most important innovations, and lead a legacy of intentionality that inspires others to do the same. Her second book, The Commitments- A Step By Step Guide To Personal Transformation, skyrocketed to become a Wall Street Journal Best Seller, a Barnes and Noble Best Seller, and an Amazon Best Seller. She has been featured in hundreds of media outlets, including the prestigious TED Talk program, Page Six, Men's Health, Women's Health, Shape, Redbook, CBS, Yahoo Finance, Cheddar TV, and many more.
She is the CEO and founder of Dr. Tracy Inc.; a luxury transformation company that does custom transformations for individuals, couples, families, and teams.
2. How do you define fashion and or style?
I define fashion as the reality that you're creating with yourself. Fashion is the fullness of a person being expressed through an intentional way of living that resonates in everything a person does. This means everything, from their clothing to their homes to their cars, and the full artistry of a person is expressed in the environment and creates a beautiful unique reality that inspires. The fact that every day we get to create with our selves and all the materials in life is just so stunning. We get to experience this with each other. Each day is an opportunity to create a piece of art with yourself and interact with your own immediate environment and that of the larger environment around you. As The World's First Emotional Scientist©, I've been studying for years people's unique fashion and styles. Out of all the things I love, it is people's internal selves being as elevated as their external expression of themselves. I find people who are elevating the environment both with their internal self and their external self-expression something I'm deeply grateful for. It is essential for us to elevate life with our cells and the way that we can design an environment. That makes the world a more beautiful place to be. I’m in awe of the beauty we all get to create.
3. What influences your style? i.e. travel, work, movies, magazines, social media trends, celebrities, color, etc.
One of the things I am very happy to say in answering this question is that what influences my style the most, particularly in the last handful of years, is something that feels entirely inspired from the inside out. I feel a certain way in life that feels elevated and elegant and the most intentional I've ever been. I feel the most connected to myself and the true essence of me and the joy of expressing that self, both emotionally and materially, into the world makes it a better place.
I am the most influenced by my own sense of self and the way that I want to express myself each day. After that is all of the great inspiration around us. We are in the biggest era of self-expression that has ever existed, and this is thanks to the massive media culture. When I lived in Manhattan, I got to be inspired every day by everyone around me and their fashionable style. I also loved getting to dress at that level each day. Now that I live in Northern California, it's a lot more casual around me so I take inspiration from celebrities and influencers, primarily in TV, movies, and magazines. I am particularly influenced by both New York and LA fashion, which really combine two great fashion cultures for me. I think the greatest style influence is Coco Chanel and everything about her brand. The clean, elegant, cool, and timeless essence of Coco Chanel feels the closest to the way life feels to me.
I also have many fashion books in my home that give me great inspiration, such as Vogue, Christian Dior, Valentino, Louis Vuitton, and more. As I absorb the pages of these works of art that I get to enjoy, at any moment of any day, I am immediately transformed into a world of beauty, light, and sophistication. That is, to me, what life is all about.
I appreciate all of these amazing fashion influences that have cultivated a personal and professional style. I enjoy it very much as it's all one thing to me- one essence of me and how I feel it is to be in this world, as well as the way I like to elevate it both internally and externally in every way.
I created the world’s first luxury transformation company and transformed what it is to be a psychologist or a coach into a new paradigm, where fashion and transformation became one thing. Making the transformation is an attractive invitation to people who want to elevate some aspect of themselves and want to absorb a luxurious experience (the way the transformation should be). It’s really something to see- how much fashion influences all that I do in life. From how I dress every day, to how I live in my home and my offices, and how I continue to evolve my company into the most luxurious transformation company for people that want the most luxurious life experience. It is much more fun because fashion and style are an internal essence expressed externally in the world. For me, I like to elevate the environment from the inside out and from the outside-as reality really works.
I'm very grateful that I chose to follow two things that I love very much, Fashion and Psychology. They are combined into one transformational process the way it has always felt to me. As the CEO of a luxury transformation company, I created this new paradigm because of the great influences in fashion, art, psychology, philosophy, and physics and it's creating a beautiful elevated world where people can address some of the most challenging things in their life and turn them into the most elevated things in one luxurious transformative experience.
4. How has your style evolved?
My style has evolved significantly from the time that I was young. Because I was such a tomboy growing up, it took a while for my true self to come through and my fashion to actually represent me in the way that I intended it to. I was also a very successful manager from an early age in a corporate environment. So I was a woman, but dressing like a corporate woman, and it still never felt like I was really able to be me and feel like I really loved how I looked.
Then I moved to New York in order to really live out the life that represented how I felt as a person, as well as the reality of how much I wanted to dress very stylish every day and be absorbing style in high fashion from people every day-really making that one of my top prescriptions for myself. Just being immersed in Manhattan fashion allowed me to connect to my true self and my fashion evolved significantly. Before I knew it, I was really expressing exactly who I was. I felt how fun life was and I felt the most confident, sophisticated, sassy, and elevated in a way that I hadn't felt before. And from that launchpad, I've felt very comfortable trusting my fashion sense and my style choices. I've been able to feel very consistent and happy with the aesthetic that I create with both myself and my environment. My style feels like a real celebration of life and layers of myself that I really enjoy. The truth about fashion for me is that the essence of it feels very Italian, and when I'm in Italy, I feel the most at home out of anywhere I've ever been in the world. Italian fashion does feel like this beautiful combination of New York and LA and this very timeless, clean, cool, and elevated way of being. I enjoy a very timeless and modern sophisticated style that balances warm and cool and therefore, this way, I see it as New York and LA but having roots in Italian Style (and probably a little bit of Paris as well).
The bottom line of style for me at this point is that I deeply trust myself and I love when I buy and I where I buy. When I wear it, I love it and I feel like me. I also feel like I've been able to make dressing the way that I dress and designing life the way that I design it in California- even though it's pretty casual here. I maintain a very elevated lifestyle and I really love it.
5. What does your dream wardrobe consist of?
Lots of dresses with clean lines and feminine touches to them. I love a long sleeve shift dress in different colors with some feminine touches, so that I can add a really bold necklace to it and let the jewelry elevate the whole outfit. I especially love a really unique dress that really makes a glamorous statement, but is also really balanced with a professional look. Therefore, its elevating professional to glamorous at every opportunity. A glamorous, effortless wardrobe is the intention. Being so intentional and looking so relaxed is the goal.
I love wearing gorgeous pants and interesting long sleeve shirts that look very rich and I love to have great fashion. Also, interesting necklaces that turn any shirt or sweater or dress into a work of art.
6. If you were to give fashion advice to your younger self what would it be?
I would tell myself to connect deeply to myself, and especially my femininity, and balance that out with all the masculine energy that came from gaining approval from my dad by being a tomboy. I would tell myself to embrace being a girl and express it and all of its gorgeousness and be very true to who I am. I would tell her to have fun and enjoy creating art with herself and find her fashion sense from within and let it out. I would also tell her to love the process of bringing more of herself into life and sharing it with people rather than worrying about whether or not you look good enough or are on trend. I would tell her to create the trend.
7. How important is it to be body positive and to appreciate the skin that you're in?
To me, it's about being “body-intentional” and to think, feel, speak and be in a very intentional relationship with yourself because of everything you are bringing forth. That is immersing yourself in a reality that is best when it's intentional. If you want to have a beautiful body, be very intentional about your relationship with your body and how you create it and navigate it. Because your body is your home, and it's the true home you're spending your life in. All the way through, you want to take really good of this container that is housing you and you want to relate to it in a way that's going to help it be there for you so you can be the way you want it to be all the way through. Appreciating it for what it's doing is a very good way for it to keep doing more of the good stuff, and just like anything, the laws of physics apply and whatever is focused on expands, so whatever you're intending, stay focused on that so that's what you end up creating and experiencing.
8. What do you love about jewelry?
First of all, I love jewelry because my grandmother, Bernice, was a Liz Taylor bombshell kind of woman and she loved bling and sparkle and she wore it every day. She'd love to be bold and was a real glamor girl all the way through her life. All the way into the rest home, where she still was wearing her bling and looking fabulous as ever. I love that jewelry is artistic and shiny and is something that has an infinite amount of configurations. Just one change of one area of something turns it into something else, just like any piece of art. I love that jewelry takes any regular form of clothing or outfit that anyone puts together and just makes it that much more impactful and interesting. I love things that are interesting and are pleasing to wear and pleasing to share with other people, as they enjoy what you put together. Jewelry is an amazing way to take a beautiful canvas, like a basic sweater and pants outfit, and then make it something fabulous.
I love transforming anything into its most elevated form, and I love how jewelry takes something that's already cool and makes it more sophisticated and luxurious and glamorous.
9. What is your absolute favorite? Is it earrings, necklaces, etc.
I absolutely love wearing statement necklaces. That's my favorite thing to elevate an outfit with into something unique, and also give variety to life because you can do so many different outfits with different necklaces and never wear the same thing twice. I also love wearing incredible rings and of course, I love my rings to be full of bling. I don't wear earrings at all because I've never found them to be an enhancement to my look no matter how many times I've tried, but every day I wear a necklace and my rings. Even when I'm going to the pool at the country club or wherever, I'm wearing some sort of necklace that elevates the bathing suit and the whole look for a great poolside experience. Most people don't wear jewelry with their bathing suits and I find that a very big missed opportunity to take something that's typically pretty plain and then turn it into something very fashionable. I have a variety of different necklaces that work when you're wearing workout clothes and I tend to have a piece of fashion jewelry on all the time until I go to bed at night. Sometimes even when I do because I enjoy wearing the jewelry so much that I enjoy it as much as I want to.
10. How do you incorporate accessories and jewelry into your daily looks?
As I answered above, it's all about bold and interesting statement necklaces for me, and necklaces that have some shimmer and shine for sure. I love elevating a great ensemble with a great pop of glamor in a luxury statement necklace. Bold rings are also a signature of mine and things that bring about a great conversation with people. This means that through fashion and jewelry we become more connected because there's something that excites us and illuminates life or living every day.

My non-negotiables include clean lines, luxurious fabric, modern style, a cool vibe, a powerful edge, both New York and LA influence, sophistication, a sophisticated allure, and a timeless Italian essence in the look and feel of my wardrobe. Because I have all of this both in my soul and in my closets, these are my everyday necessities. These are non-negotiable to me because it’s the essence of me. I am always going to be updating my fashion and style because it goes hand in hand with how I upgrade myself emotionally, as an Emotional Scientist who brings more intentionality forth from within myself year after year and I always will. Along with that comes more intentionality with fashion and style and I'm looking forward to the future and every amazing look that I'll create and every fashion moment I get to celebrate.
12. Tell us why you choose fashion and style. So what we mean by that is, we don’t have to dress up, we don’t have to adorn ourselves with jewels and embellish with accessories, but we do, we choose to… why do you?
Why fashion and style is a nonnegotiable for me is because it's one of the most incredible ways that we bring our inner self into the outer world. When we bring ourselves forward all the way-through all of our emotional barriers-and into the full expression of who we are, we truly enhance the world and live our fullest purpose. As an emotional scientist who transforms the world's most sensitive and creative artists into great moguls of the industry, I can tell you that it is essential for the world's most creative people to create as much as it is for the World to perceive those creative expressions that make the world a gorgeous place to live in. The truth is that we are all reality creators and we get to bring into reality what it is that we want to exist here. This is our amazing creative canvas of our souls and all of the material world around us to do with what we please. It is absolutely our purpose to share the fabulousness of that reality by expressing our inner reality into the outer world and then receiving the most incredible outer reality that other people have shared with us and bringing that into our inner world to enjoy it that much more. To me it is our responsibility to beautify the world with ourselves and all of our capacity for evolving this world into its most stunning and stylish state of being and to allow that to keep elevating more people into fashion action so that we transform all of the ugliness in the world into glamorousness, as a very essential purpose that we are all here to contribute to.
12. What’s your favorite fashion/style quote or mantra?
“A girl should be two things:classy and fabulous.”
-Coco Chanel
13. How and where can people connect with you?
You can learn more about Dr. Tracy at DrTracyInc.com, where you can book a free consultation to assess your intentional capacity compared to what you'd like it to be, allowing you to get a highly valuable assessment of what it takes for you to become your most intentional self, putting distracting and impacting reactivity in the rear view mirror, and making focus, creativity, productivity and prosperity a way of existing for life.
Much more on how INTENTIONAL TRAINING© works can also be found in Dr. Tracy’s book, The Commitments, which is an Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Wall St. Journal bestseller. https://www.drtracyinc.com/the-commitments
Social Media links:
Dr. Tracy Thomas
CEO & Director
www.drtracyinc.com l Let's Connect
Thank you Dr. Tracy Thomas for sharing your story with us. And you're right, add jewelry onto your canvas and never be afraid to create your own trends!
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